martes, 5 de mayo de 2020


How to Make Delicious Crepes! 


  1. Flour - ½ cup or 3.5 ounces
  2. Egg - 1
  3. Egg yolk - 1
  4. Milk - 1 cup
  5. Butter - 4 tb. spoons or ¼ cup
  6. Sugar - 1 tb. spoon
  7. Salt - a pinch
  8. Chocolate and Hazelnut cream
  9. Strawberries
  10. Whipped cream
  11. Pepper 


  1. First, mix in a bowl the flour, the egg and the yolk.
  2. Next, add the milk to the mix.
  3. Then, add four tablespoon of melted butter and one tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Finally, we add a pinch of salt to the mix
  5. To cook the crepes, we first add a little butter to the heated pan.
  6. Then we add a little of the mix to the pan. a thin layer.
  7. Finally, we serve the crepes in a plate and filled up the crepes with delicious stuff. The chocolate and hazelnut cream, strawberries and whipped cream.

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