miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

How to make  Delicious. Crepes


  1. 3,5. Punces of flúor

  2. 1Egg

  3. 1Egg York.

  4. 1 Cup of Milk

  5. 1/4 Cup of metedura butter

  6. 1 tablespoon of sugar

  7. A pinch of salt

  1. Butter for the pan

  • First put the flour and the eggs in a bowl
  • Add the sugar and the salt and mix
  • Put the melted butter into a pan and add the mixture.[b]
  • Take it out of the pan and enjoy.

martes, 5 de mayo de 2020


How to Make Delicious Crepes! 


  1. Flour - ½ cup or 3.5 ounces
  2. Egg - 1
  3. Egg yolk - 1
  4. Milk - 1 cup
  5. Butter - 4 tb. spoons or ¼ cup
  6. Sugar - 1 tb. spoon
  7. Salt - a pinch
  8. Chocolate and Hazelnut cream
  9. Strawberries
  10. Whipped cream
  11. Pepper 


  1. First, mix in a bowl the flour, the egg and the yolk.
  2. Next, add the milk to the mix.
  3. Then, add four tablespoon of melted butter and one tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Finally, we add a pinch of salt to the mix
  5. To cook the crepes, we first add a little butter to the heated pan.
  6. Then we add a little of the mix to the pan. a thin layer.
  7. Finally, we serve the crepes in a plate and filled up the crepes with delicious stuff. The chocolate and hazelnut cream, strawberries and whipped cream.

How to make delicious crepes with Valeria la chef.

Crepes :

  • First , put the 2 eggs into a bowl then, add 150 grams of flour,  milk , sugar, oil and salt.
  •  Next, mix all the ingredients.
  •  After that, put the pan in the oven and fry the mix. 
  • When you have the crepe you can decorate it with strawberries or banana and if you want add delicious ice cream or sweet cream.
  •  Finally, its ready for eat it.

Crepes con chocolate y fresa - TastyCocina.top


1/2 harina 
1/2 leche
Un poquito de aceite  
manjar blanco o Nutella 
1 Huevo

Agarra los ingredientes menos el aceite y mézclalos bien si no tienes tanto tiempo puedes batirlo en la licuadora. Luego prende la sartén si no lo sabes hacer usa la ayuda de un adulto o adulta ponle un poco de aceite o mantequilla y pon la masa . Cuando veas burbujas avisa a un adulto o adulta sácalo y pártelo para ver si está cocinado y no sale maza aguada luego enróllalo y ponle o nutela o manjar blanco ponlo en un plato y ya está solo falta probarlo.

Delicious Crepes



Cómo hacer crepes salados o dulces: Receta fácil paso a paso
  1. 3.5 ounces  of flour
  2. 1 egg
  3. 1 egg yolk
  4. 1 cup of milk
  5. ¼  cup of melted butter
  6. 1 tablespoon of sugar
  7. A pinch of salt
  8. Butter for the pan
  9. Chocolate and hazelnut cream
  10. A pinch of pepper
  11. Whipped cream
  12. Strawberries


  • First,  put the flour in the bowl and 1 egg.
  • Then add a cup of milk.
  • After that, put an egg yolk and add de melted  butter. 
  • Star mix the ingredients. Then, add a tablespoon of sugar and  a pinch of salt, 
  • Heat a pan. Put the butter around the pan. After that, put the mix in the pan and move the pan.
  • Finally build the creps with chocolate and hazelnut cream, whipped cream and strawberries.

delicious crepes

    Easy Crepe Recipe - How To Make Basic Crepes—Delish.com
  1. salt
  2. whipped cream
  3. flour 

  4. strawberry
  5. chocolate             DELICIOUS
  6. eggs
  7. milk
  8. chocolate
  9. hazelnut
  10. pepers
  11. sugar
                1. First wash your hands.
                2. Then mix a cup of flour.
                3. Next add one egg a yolk of another.
                4. Then put the flour in a bowl.
                5. We put the eggs slowly and put in it.
                6. Next in a bowl add a cup of milk,melted butter next sugar and salt. then add a cup of flour.
                7. Finally built the creeps.

                How to Make Delicious Crepes! 


                1.half a cup of flour
                2.1 egg
                3.1 egg yolk
                4.1 cup of milk
                5.¼ cup of melted butter
                6.1 tbsp of sugar
                7.a pinch of salt
                8.butter for the pan
                9.chocolate and hazelnut whipped cream
                10.a pinch of pepper,whipped cream and strawberries

                FIRST, in a bowl mix the flour, the egg and the egg yolk.
                THEN, add the milk, the melted butter, the sugar and the salt and beat it together.
                NEXT, heat a pan and some butter.
                AFTER THAT, pour some of the mix into the pan to make a thin layer by moving the pan around.
                LATER,  remove the crepe after it is  cooked and place it on a plate. 
                FINALLY, fill your crepe with what you like (chocolate, hazelnut cream or strawberries with whipped cream).