miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Delicious Crepes! By Catita

Delicious Crepes

General Instructions

Follow the common instruccions. At the end, add a good swiss chocolate.

Invite Sol (my dog) a delicious piece of crepe.


  1. 1/2 cup of flour.
  2. 1 egg.
  3. 1 egg yolk.
  4. 1 cup of milk
  5. 4 tbsp of melted butter.
  6. 1 table spoon of sugar.
  7. 1 table spoon of oil
  8. 1 pinch of salt.
  9. Chocolate Hazelnut cream.
  10. Strawberries.
  11. a Pinch of pepper.
  12. Whipped cream.


  • First, wash your hands.
  • After that, mix half a cup of flour, one egg and one yolk. You need to be careful on separating the yolk from the white.
  • Then, put s cup of milk, the melted butter, 1 tbsp of sugar and a pinch of salt .
  • Next, ask a grown up to make the crepes in a pan.
  • Put butter on a pan and spread it.
  • Put the mix on the pan and move the pan.
  • Finally, to build the crepes, you can put whatever you like. For example, Chocolate & hazelnut; straeberries and whipped milk
  • Enjoy it.

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Crepes de Franco

Crepes de Franco

  1. First  we  need mix ½ cup of flour with 1 complete egg and the yolk of other.
  2. Then we put the milk, the melted butter.
  3. we put 1  spoon of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  4. Next  you need call an adult, because you have to cook.
  5. After that the adult put butter in a pan and heats ,   then put a  tablespoon of the mixture. and repeat until finished mixing.
  6. Finally  you can put  the ingredients of your  preference like : chocolate , strawberries or whipped cream.  

Cómo hacer un panqueque perfecto - Cucinare



11.whipped Cream